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Courtland High School Logo

CLASS OF '84  


E-mails on File
Verified Addresses
Unverified Addresses
No Address On File

Reunion Committee:
Bridgette Garnett Williams
Glenda Ivey Brooks
Barbara Little Branham
Sandy Morley Elliott
Margie Surfer Walsh
Cheryl Wilson Smorto

Website Admin:
Cheryl Wilson Smorto

107 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.

Combined, we have 229 children and 63 grandchildren.

12 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 143 years, including 1 still on active duty.

55 of us spent a combined total of 183 years earning 13 Associates, 40 Bachelors, 11 Masters and 3 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 51 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 25 foreign countries.

5 of us have birthdays this month, and 6 of us have birthdays in April.

Currently, 6 of us are retired.

The Alumni Directory

(Add your profile. It's 100% FREE!)




Billboard's Hot 100

Top Songs: 1983-1984
missing classmates  | message board  | in memoriam '84

t h e   c l a s s   o f   1 9 8 4
S E C U R E   e-M A I L   F O R M
Use this form to contact: Ken Lipscomb (Courtland, Class of 1984)
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Terms of Use Agreement Last Updated: June 20th, 2010

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•• ALUMNI ••

Alumni Directory
Alumni Tribute

Theresa Acors Wanex  
Ernest Crowder  
Beth Gordon  
Denise Lawhorn  
Lynn Lundeman Wiles  
Patrick Marshall  
Jackie Pendleton Amponduro  
Pamela Perreault Neal  
Claire Pullen Haddleton  
Pam Smith Carter  
Marie White  

sign in to see dates

Yehia Abielmona  
Steve Brogdon  
Jamie Broughton Broughton  
Kyle Danielson  
Scott Dunn  
Brian Hodges  
Brian Mahoney  
Patrick Marshall  
Tim Riley  
Doreen Sheleva Harris  
James Sibley  
Kevin Williams  

sign in for details


Classmates in the U.S.
 District of Columbia
 New Mexico
 New York
 North Carolina
 South Carolina
 Virginia 181 

Classmates Abroad:
 United Kingdom

Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.

Website Questions, Problems or Suggestions? Contact the programmer HERE.
(Note: Please use the "Contact Us" link in the left column to contact your Reunion Organizing Committee.)

CourtlandReunions.com is independently operated and is not affiliated with
Courtland High School or Spotsylvania Public Schools.